Facebook Giveaway

Would you like to win one of my Fine Art Prints?  The two prints featured are from a few years back. #1 Striking Flint is a watercolor and #2 Questionable Journey is an Ink and watercolor. 

To Enter, I'm making it simple!  All you need to do is:
1. LIKE the facebook Post and, if you haven’t already, our business page as well.  
2. COMMENT on the Post telling us which Print resonates with you the most and why. 

We will choose our winner randomly on Monday, April 13th.  If inclined, I do hope you'll share this one along into your streams. I have a small but loyal following over on facebook. I post there regularly and enjoy the conversations that come my way. Hope you'll jump into this one... I'd love for my art to live with you!  
